Cain Leathem is one of Britain’s leading Exercise and Nutrition Consultants… having studied extensively aspects of the human body, exercise and nutrition, biomechanics, endocrinology, phlebotomy, DNA assessment, Neuro Linguistic Programming, First Aid for Mental Health among many other related disciplines. As a Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine he prides himself on furthering his education and the sharing of this knowledge.
As a highly qualified and experienced consultant he has appeared on T.V./radio, and has been featured/written in many specialist magazines/newspapers. He is also the author and Training Course Provider for his award winning GB Fitness Personal Trainer, First Aid For Mental Health and Nutrition Qualifications as well as owner and director of GB Fitness.
As a Personal Trainer & Nutritionist his clients range from complete beginners desiring fat loss and health enhancement to international athletes in elite competition. He encourages health within the workplace and offers businesses advice on how to best maximise efficiency (and therefore profit) through the wellness and vitality of their employees.
Cain offers Clinical Services including blood work, stool testing, DNA analysis, hormone assessment, nutrient status and more. As a qualified phlebotomist Cain will take your blood and send this off for testing. His expertise in this field has taken him worldwide including work in Africa, Malta, India, Germany, Turkey, Tenerife, Miami, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Estonia, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Cayman, Poland, Austria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Ireland, Greece and Hungary.
He is a Professional Speaker and offers bespoke education on all matters of health and optimal being. Cain is also a qualified NLP Master Practitioner and utilises this skill to motivate his clients and help instil a positive mood state in all the people that he meets.
His regimes often challenge the concepts that many believe to be true, often enforced upon us by inaccuracies offered up in the media of television, newspapers and magazines. In a social media world of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ Cain has a proven history of world class services for over 30 years.

Cain Leathem GB Fitness Founder

Cain has had a lot of his work published over many years. He was the Managing Editor and lead writer for the UK version of Muscular Development and he wrote the World Gym Training Guide and Diary.
He also works with the very best nutrition companies offering his expertise in their education programs.
The BEST YOU Magazine article on Exercise Order is one he originally wrote for The Times newspaper. It covers some simple guidelines that will help people to exercise in a safe and efficient way and to achieve the results that they desire.

Cain offers support and solutions to many varied issues, some of which we may not yet be aware of! As a Professional Presenter he designs and delivers on a vast range of topics and does so with great passion, sharing what he has studied and experienced over many years. He works with the people ‘in the room’ so that they all benefit in a way that will enhance their lives. These may take the form of educational seminars/workshops and his audiences vary from small executive mastermind groups up to national conferences with hundreds of attendees. He has travelled the world to deliver his award winning qualification courses and his inspiring and educational presentations on optimising physical and mental health.
Cain has been featured on televison, radio, magazines, newspapers and is a regular guest on podcasts.
He has educated and mentored many successful trainers and coaches who have created their own platforms to share information and advice.
Paul Webb has been a professional footballer, a student of Cains and a GB Fitness Master Trainer and now he is a very successful and sought-after coach and mentor. He has interviewed Cain several times for his popular podcasts. Here is one of them:
In his own words “Cain has a wealth of experience in all things health and fitness so turn off all distractions, grab a pen and paper and listen well folks… There is gold in this episode!”

Cain Leathem recently won the prestigious ‘Contributions to the Fitness Industry and Society’ category as well as being a finalist in the ‘Lifetime Achievement’ category at the English Veterans Awards 2019. He served in the Royal Air Force as an Aircraft Weapons Technician and is very active in the support of those that have served. His work includes charity fund raising events, highlighting issues that affect those that have served and working with injured Veterans to help with their physical and mental health.
He offers discounts on his services and Qualification Courses to help where he can and he is proud to hold the Bronze award of The Armed Forces Covenant.
Speaker for the ELLA charitable foundation
2019 … Winner of the English Veterans Awards for Contributions to Fitness & Society
Speaker for MASG Mental Health in the Community Charity Dinner
Speaker at the National Holistic Health Show
Speaker at the Functional Sports Nutrition Academy
Speaker at the UK Baby & Toddler Show
Key Speaker at the Healthy Living Expo
Writer for ‘Functional Sports Nutrition’
Sports Nutrition R & D and speaker for Nutri Ltd. Supplements
Key Speaker at The Good Health Show
If you would like to speak in more detail, please feel free to contact me. Let's talk!